Technical presentation by M. Bader,M. Almquist, E. Dunham receives top 25 ranking during SEG IMAGE 2021
Congratulations to Milad Bader, Martin Almquist, and Eric M. Dunham for your excellent technical presentation titled, “Acoustic-elastic waveform modeling and inversion using energy-stable summation-by-parts finite-difference operators presented during IMAGE 2021 – the International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy . Their research and preparation was noticed by fellow SEG members who judged the paper, ranking it in the top 25 of 709 papers presented at the meeting.
Abstact: Recording seismic data at the ocean bottom provides a powerful tool to characterize the subsurface and monitor producing fields in offshore environments. However, to use such data in advanced waveform imaging and inversion algorithms, an accurate and efficient numerical method is needed, accounting for the fluid-solid interface. We propose solving the coupled acoustic-elastic wave equation using summation-by-parts finite difference operators. We weakly impose boundary and interface conditions using simultaneous approximation terms. The overall numerical scheme is energystable and accommodates point sources/receivers anywhere in the domain. Furthermore, it is dual consistent, meaning that the adjoint of the fully discrete problem is a high-order approximation of the continuous adjoint problem; in fact, the same code can be used for forward and adjoint modeling to generate accurate gradients for full-waveform inversion. We verify our method by comparing it with the spectral-element method, demonstrating similar accuracy. We also perform fullwaveform inversion tests on the Marmousi2 model using two types of acquisitions.