Journal Article
SEP-41 (1984)
Title | Author(s) | Download |
Opening Pages | - | pdf (403 K) ps.gz (507 K) |
Surface-Consistent Deconvolution | Stewart A. Levin | pdf (3356 K) ps.gz (4403 K) |
Deconvolution Essays | Jon F. Claerbout | pdf (548 K) ps.gz (780 K) |
Median Spectra | Marta Woodward and Joe Dellinger | pdf (1027 K) ps.gz (1527 K) |
Residual Statics Estimation by Simulated Annealing: Field Data Example | Daniel Rothman | pdf (2791 K) ps.gz (3460 K) |
Statics Estimation by Stack Optimization of Noisy Data | Shuki Ronen | pdf (1265 K) ps.gz (1669 K) |
Velocity Analysis Without Picking | John Toldi | pdf (1716 K) ps.gz (2391 K) |
Estimation of a Near-Surface Velocity Anomaly from Stacking Velocities | John Toldi | pdf (2191 K) ps.gz (2924 K) |
Velocity Analysis Using Prestack Migration: Applications | Kamal Al-Yahya and Francis Muir | pdf (3028 K) ps.gz (4260 K) |
One-Trace Dip Moveout | Shuki Ronen | pdf (584 K) ps.gz (773 K) |
Stability of Finite-Differencing DMO | Shuki Ronen | pdf (354 K) ps.gz (507 K) |
Velocity Stack DMO: An Addendum | Paul Fowler | pdf (342 K) ps.gz (483 K) |
Wave Field Extrapolation by the Linearly Transformed Wave Equation Operator | Zhiming Li | pdf (2045 K) ps.gz (2790 K) |
Suppressing Wraparound in Omega-X Migration | Stewart A. Levin | pdf (1930 K) ps.gz (2558 K) |
Footnote to Parallel x-t Migration | Stewart A. Levin | pdf (438 K) ps.gz (649 K) |
Wave Field Extrapolation | Yves Dezard | pdf (2636 K) ps.gz (3657 K) |
Data Space Contraction in Overdetermined Inverse Problems | Peter Mora | pdf (915 K) ps.gz (1253 K) |
Elastic Inversion Using Ray Theory | Peter Mora | pdf (1595 K) ps.gz (2301 K) |
Robust Inversion of VSP's | Bill Harlan | pdf (1062 K) ps.gz (1499 K) |
Nonlinear Inversion, Simulated Annealing, and Residual Statics Estimation | Daniel H. Rothman | pdf (2767 K) ps.gz (3789 K) |
Monte Carlo Techniques: An Overview | Daniel Rothman | pdf (820 K) ps.gz (1127 K) |
A Review of Some Seismic Inversion methods | Kamal Al-Yahya | pdf (611 K) ps.gz (890 K) |
Approximating the Kinematics of Converted Waves | Chuck Sword | pdf (2185 K) ps.gz (3014 K) |
The Method of Controlled Directional Reception | Chuck Sword | pdf (2483 K) ps.gz (3434 K) |
Processing Converted-Wave Data Using the Method of Controlled Directional Reception | Chuck Sword | pdf (866 K) ps.gz (1205 K) |
What is the Median of {1,2,4,5} ? | Joe Dellinger | pdf (477 K) ps.gz (691 K) |
A Simple Geometric Derivation of the Ray Spreading Factor | Peter Mora | pdf (538 K) ps.gz (803 K) |
Erratum/Solution to the Asymmetric Ellipse Paradox | Shuki Ronen | pdf (283 K) ps.gz (404 K) |
Closing Pages | - | pdf (427 K) ps.gz (608 K) |
Publication Date
December, 1984